Manor Green School’s pupil and staff visit to CLEAN laundry service was a resounding success
Posted on Oct 15, 2014
As an innovative UK special needs school, Manor Green School (MGS) in conjunction with the borough’s award winning Ways into Work Service has introduced an extensive Job Coaching programme to develop the employment knowledge and skills for young people with learning difficulties. As part of this programme MGS School organises visits with local businesses.

On Friday 3rd and 10th October, pupils and staff, led by Ways into Work Job Coach Debbie Burnett, visited CLEAN laundry services in Maidenhead. During the visits pupils toured the plant learning about production processes and they experienced first- hand the latest technology CLEAN deploys. The purpose of the visit was for pupils to gain a useful insight into the specific workings of a laundry, the varying roles staff are employed in as well as giving them a broader overview of how businesses are structured and operate.
The pupils came back to school full of enthusiasm and really enjoyed the whole experience.
Stephan Stephan, MGS Sponsor Governor commented:
“The visit to CLEAN was very interesting and informative and the value it added to the learning and development of our pupils has been immense.”
From CLEAN’s perspective Graeme Andrew, Production and CI Manager concluded:
“It was a pleasure to host the visits and I was very impressed with how the students showed genuine interest throughout the tour and engaged with everyone they met. “
MGS are keen to expand this programme and more visits are planned to CLEAN in the New Year.
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