Efficiency driving the Green Agenda- quiet deliveries something to shout about!
Posted on Dec 12, 2014
In 2012 CLEAN Linen Services were appointed linen service provider to the London Olympics. In order to overcome the restrictions of daytime delivery slots during the Olympics, the company started early morning and late night deliveries.
Peter Cox Group CLEAN Transport Manager stated
“The company’s trail of night-time deliveries proved very beneficial; we found that the vehicles used less fuel because there was less traffic. They also benefited from easier parking and reduction in congestion charges”
Natalie Chapman the Freight Transport Association head of policy for London supports Peter’s view
“The benefits of night-time deliveries are proven and irresistible; why waste time and money sitting in traffic when you don’t need to?”

There are multiple benefits of shifting deliveries out of congested peak hours;
- Reduced noise
- Improved journey time
- Improved turnaround and availability of linen stock
- Improved fuel economy, emissions and air quality
- Saving gained by avoiding the Congestion Charge
- Smoother operation
- Easier and safer parking.
Peter Cox has continued operating early morning and evening deliveries for most customers “Overall this is making our business more efficient and by removing traffic from peak-times on London roads we are assisting in reducing congestion and pollution. We now estimate 80% of our deliveries in London are now outside of peak hours”
In addition Peter has introduced other new initiatives these has included the introduction of hybrid vans into London which has reduced level of congestion and noise pollution. He has carried training courses to ensure all drivers ensure engines are turned off and they conduct their deliveries as quietly as possible.
The Noise Abatement Society along with the Department of Transport and the Freight Association are pioneering similar schemes which will enable HGVs and other vehicles to make deliveries to customers during night time hours or in the early morning. It is hoped that current delivery restrictions and curfews which mean lorries have to make deliveries in peak hours, adding to traffic congestion, carbon emissions and noise, will be lifted.
There can be no doubt of the numerous advantages of taking these large vehicles off the road during peak times from both an environmental and cost efficiency perspective. The introduction of night deliveries will undoubtedly reduce congestion and save the lives of many road uses. The journey times will be quicker using less fuel with lower carbon footprint and better air quality.
Peter concluded “CLEAN continue to monitor and introduce the latest market innovations to reduce noise pollution and congestion within London. We are very focus on a proactive approach to road safety, fitting the latest safety equipment and cameras to our vehicles”
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